How to Create Content that Converts on Your Blog

Christopher Jan Benitez
4 min readFeb 25, 2021
How to Create Content that Converts on Your Blog

Affiliate marketers need all the help they can get to earn commissions from their affiliate links. That’s why we’ve listed down the best practices for creating content that drives site traffic and sales.

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to create content that converts, then read this post all the way to the end.

Below are our tips on how to create blog content that actually converts. Let’s get started.

1. Optimize for Keywords

Keyword optimization is the foundation of search engine optimization (SEO). By doing keyword research, you’ll know what words and phrases your target audience uses to find the content they’re looking for.

You can use keyword research tools to discover terms that fit your niche. You’ll encounter metrics like search volume and keyword difficulty. For beginners, it’s better to focus on keywords with high search volume and low competition.


It’s also important that you know the difference between informational, navigational, and transactional keywords. Transactional keywords are part of the four key metrics to focus on when monetizing a blog.

If you’re looking for a free keyword tool, try Google Keyword Planner. It’s a great place to start. If you need something more powerful, there are plenty of options including Ahrefs and SEMrush.

2. Know Your Audience

It’s important for users to zero in on the right audience. This is even truer for sites that depend on affiliate marketing to generate income.

The best way to know your audience is by looking at blogs and social media accounts of your competitors. Are your competitors writing for folks who know nothing about your industry? Or do they publish content for experts in your field?

It also helps to know what age groups they attract, reading comprehension, writing tone, the point of view (first, second, or third voice) used, and other relevant information.

You want to write blogs that attract the right kind of audience.

3. Increase Readability

It’s so disappointing for users to click on a link and land on a page that’s incomprehensible. Readability plays a large role in whether someone stays or leaves a page.

That’s why you want to rid your content of grammatical errors. And make sure that you break up large chunks of text into easily digestible sections.


Most people use mobile devices now to browse the internet. So a long paragraph will appear even longer on a phone screen.


If you’re not confident with your writing, there’s no need to worry. There are plenty of grammar checker tools that will automatically flag down grammatical issues and offer suggestions to improve readability.

4. Be Factual

It should go without saying that blog posts need to be based on facts. However, some make the mistake of making claims that they can’t back up with credible data. Doing this will hurt your credibility.

So when you publish posts, make sure that you cite your source material when presenting statistics and studies. And make sure that you’re only using trustworthy sites.

And if you’re using your own numbers and figures, don’t skew the results in your favor.

When doing reviews — especially when doing paid spots or earning commissions from sales made — you still need to give users your honest opinion. Not only is this more ethical, but it will also make your blog a credible source of information.

Here’s a list of websites that can help you fact-check your information.

5. Include CTAs

CTA stands for call-to-action. It’s a message that tells users what you want them to do next.

If you want them to subscribe to your newsletter, you could include a line below your main content that includes a link to a sign-up page. Or if you want them to order a product, you could create a button that redirects users to an order page.

A CTA could be anything so long as it helps you meet your goals. But as affiliate marketers, you should focus on call-to-actions which include links that your affiliate partner provided you.

There are ways to make call-to-action buttons convert users. They should:

  • Have a clear message.
  • Appeal to your audience’s emotions.
  • Create a sense of urgency.
  • Have the right color. You can use A/B testing to determine which colors work best for your site.
  • Appear someplace that makes sense like toward the end of your post.
  • Should offer something unique to users.

This is how to create content that converts. Follow these tips and you should end up with affiliate blogs that generate sales.

Originally published at



Christopher Jan Benitez

I help elevate brands with SEO-driven content that engages and converts. Link in bio: